There are many ways to be involved, from some paid but mostly volunteer administrative support, help with events, marketing, list updating, advertising, graphic design and the like, to financial support to help us fund this ongoing work.
We also provide terrific internships, sometimes paid, to high school and college students who bring audio editing and other skills they wish to build on in a community-enhancing ‘real world’ way.
People can also participate by donating funds. The Project can only function with support from individuals and foundations; All donations to the Brattleboro Words Project are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsor, the Vermont Folklife Center.

Community producers – like you? – build the Brattleboro Words Trail, audio stories pegged to sites and personalities that relate to the theme of “words” – books, authors, publishing, journalism, speeches, scripts, printing, letters, memoir, news accounts, oral history, myths and your own interpretations.
Part of the Project’s mission is to introduce diverse community members and teachers/students to audio storytelling about places and people in our midst. Community producers vary greatly in experience, from those with no audio or research experience to seasoned public radio commentators.
They represent different ages and walks of life, including writers, students from college to elementary school, artists, musicians, veterans, historians, families and teachers—the latter in turn inspiring their students around place-based education and the use of audio.